
Andres Rozo

Contact Andres Rozo

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+1 Country Code then Your Number. +1 561 460 5555

Architectural Designer

Andres Rozo is a visionary Architectural Designer based in Medellín, whose ethos is founded on the principle of client empowerment through intelligent design. With a career dedicated to redefining the intersection between architecture and client profitability, Rozo specializes in delivering projects that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also enrich the pockets and well-being of his clients. His focus is steadfast on creating spaces that yield returns in Money, Time, and Health — the fundamental pillars that elevate everyday living.

Offering a comprehensive suite of services, Andres Rozo excels in Schematic Design, where his creations come to life with a perfect balance of functionality and innovation. As an Owner Representative, he ensures that his clients’ interests are paramount, leading to outcomes that exceed expectations. In Construction Management, Rozo’s keen oversight guarantees that projects are completed with the highest standards of quality and efficiency. For those seeking a partnership with a professional who champions their success as much as architectural excellence, Andres Rozo is the preeminent choice in Medellín’s thriving metropolis.


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