Poblado Av.
Laureles Estadio
Las Palmas
Av. Del Rio
Depends on Location
You can also go to Ciclovia at la Avenida El Poblado that starts in front of Premium Plaza shopping center and finish in “la Frontera” where Envigado starts, it’s around 7 km (4.3miles) distance, this Ciclovia is
Poblado Ciclovia Hours: 7am to 1pm on Sundays and Holidays
On Avenida las Palmas you can also enjoy the Ciclovia from San Diego to Colombus school which is around 20km (12.4 miles). As las Palmas is the main road to get to the airport.
La Palmas Ciclovia Hours: 6am to 9am on Sundays and Holidays
Del Rio Ciclovia Hours:
– 7am to 1pm on Sundays and Holidays
– 8pm to 10pm on Tuesday & Thursday evenings
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