Brand Bazaar 2024 Largest Discount Expo in Medellin

Join us at Brand Bazaar 2024 in Medellín, Plaza Mayor! Experience the city’s largest seasonal outlet featuring unbeatable deals on household items, clothing, footwear, appliances, and technology. This fair not only showcases products from leading companies and innovative entrepreneurs but also serves as a prime opportunity for businesses to gain visibility and contribute to the economic vitality of the city. Whether you’re a shopper hunting for the best prices or a business looking to expand your reach, Brand Bazaar 2024 is the event for you.

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Date of Event
12 Dec 2024 - 16 Apr 2024
Official Website

Plaza Mayor

Time of Event
10 am - 8 pm
Contact / Reserve

Plaza Mayor

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Juntos de Nuevo
2 Nov, 1:00 PM
Ritvales 2024 Medellin
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Myriam Hernandez
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