Medellin Metro Now has Free WIFI

Medellin Metro Now has Free WIFI -

Medellín Metro has revolutionized the daily commute for millions by offering free Wi-Fi across Lines A and B, empowering users with digital access and bridging the gap between socioeconomic strata in the city.

Dia Sin Iva: Also known at Tax Free Shopping is Returning to Colombia

Dia Sin Iva: Also known at Tax Free Shopping is Returning to Colombia -

Colombia’s Senate has revived hope for consumers and businesses alike by approving the return of the “Day without VAT,” a tax holiday aimed at stimulating the economy and making essential goods more accessible. But will the potential benefits outweigh the significant costs to government coffers?

Peru Takes Stricter Measures Against Cellphone Theft: A Model for Colombia?

Peru Takes Stricter Measures Against Cellphone Theft: A Model for Colombia? -

Peru has recently made a decisive move against the illicit trade and theft of mobile devices, unveiling a law that mandates prison sentences ranging from 12 to 30 years for those caught in the act. But this law doesn’t merely focus on cellphones. It stretches its jurisdiction to include thefts of other electronic gadgets, such […]

DIAN Verifies Compliance with Electronic Invoicing Regulations

DIAN Verifies Compliance with Electronic Invoicing Regulations -

The Directorate of Taxes and National Customs (Dian) is cracking down on non-compliance with electronic invoicing regulations in commercial establishments. The Dian is conducting operations to verify whether businesses are adhering to the regulations that went into effect on April 1, 2023. Taxpayers with sales greater than 5 Tax Value Units (TVUs), which currently corresponds […]

Tourists Visiting Medellin Can Get Refund on VAT

Tourists Visiting Medellin Can Get Refund on VAT -

Medellín, has become a preferred destination for national and foreign visitors. To further promote the arrival of more international tourists, the Colombian government grants foreign tourists the right to a VAT refund on purchases made within the national territory. This incentive allows visitors to enjoy their stay in the city while also providing them with […]

Do tourists increase the cost of living for locals in Medellin?

Do tourists increase the cost of living for locals in Medellin? -

Medellin, the second-largest city in Colombia, is renowned for its beautiful natural scenery, friendly people, and vibrant culture. It has become a popular tourist destination in recent years, attracting visitors from all over the world. However, some locals argue that the influx of tourists is driving up the cost of living in certain areas, particularly […]

All You Need to know About Taxi Prices in 2023

All You Need to know About Taxi Prices in 2023 -

If you are planning to take a taxi in Medellin in 2023, be prepared to pay a bit more. The Secretaría de Movilidad de Medellín has announced that the taxi fare will increase by 500 pesos, starting after the taxi meters are calibrated. This increase is based on the needs expressed by the taxi guilds […]

Hard Times: Price Increases to Expect in Colombia for 2023

However optimistic you might be as a person, it’s clear to see that 2023 will be a year with its fair share of challenges for the average Colombian. We can expect to see increases in the price of products and services and across the board that are bound to leave an impact on our budgets. […]