DIAN Verifies Compliance with Electronic Invoicing Regulations

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The Directorate of Taxes and National Customs (Dian) is cracking down on non-compliance with electronic invoicing regulations in commercial establishments. The Dian is conducting operations to verify whether businesses are adhering to the regulations that went into effect on April 1, 2023. Taxpayers with sales greater than 5 Tax Value Units (TVUs), which currently corresponds to 212 thousand 60 pesos, are mandated to issue electronic invoices. Failure to comply with the mandate may result in penalties and even closures of non-compliant establishments.

Dian Operations in Medellín

The Dian has been targeting non-compliant commercial establishments in the city of Medellín. Between January and March 2023, the Dian has closed down 80 establishments for failing to comply with electronic invoicing regulations. Another 70 establishments are currently under investigation. These operations are being conducted by over 350 Dian officials in the Medellín branch.

According to Diana Lorena Ríos, director of the Medellín section of Dian, the officials are verifying whether taxpayers are issuing invoices efficiently and whether citizens have to ask for an invoice. The regulations aim to streamline the invoicing process and ensure transparency in transactions. The electronic invoicing system is designed to reduce the risk of fraud and increase government revenue by improving tax collection.

Electronic Invoicing Mandate

The electronic invoicing mandate went into effect on April 1, 2023. It requires taxpayers with sales greater than 5 TVUs to issue electronic invoices. The mandate applies to all commercial establishments, including small and medium-sized businesses. The electronic invoicing system is expected to make the invoicing process more efficient, secure, and transparent.

The electronic invoicing system generates an electronic invoice that contains all the necessary information about the transaction. The system automatically sends the invoice to the customer and the Dian. Taxpayers can access their invoices online and keep track of their transactions. The system is expected to reduce the risk of fraud by eliminating the need for physical invoices, which can be easily manipulated.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

The Dian has warned commercial establishments that failure to comply with the electronic invoicing mandate may result in penalties and even closures. The penalties for non-compliance can range from fines to the suspension of business operations. In extreme cases, non-compliant establishments may face closure.

To avoid penalties and closures, taxpayers must comply with the electronic invoicing mandate. They must register with the Dian and implement the electronic invoicing system. The Dian provides training and support to help taxpayers implement the system.


The electronic invoicing mandate is a crucial step towards modernizing the invoicing process and improving tax collection in Colombia. The Dian’s operations to verify compliance with the mandate are necessary to ensure that businesses are adhering to the regulations. Non-compliance may result in penalties and closures, so it is essential for taxpayers to implement the electronic invoicing system and comply with the mandate. By doing so, taxpayers can avoid the consequences of non-compliance and contribute to a more efficient and transparent tax system.

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